

Greece is a dream. A land that I feel is my own. Despite being half greek, I have always felt more greek than anything else. It’s a feeling that I can’t really articulate well -- but it’s exactly that, a feeling. Maybe it’s the fact that I grew up speaking the language or the fact that I spent my summers at my family’s village that cemented this feeling. Either way, the Greek in my blood pulses strongest throughout my body.

But over the recent years, I feel that I have lost the connection in some ways. Pursuing my medical education and training to become a physician allowed little time and mental energy for anything else. Trips to Greece became a thing of the past. During this period, I felt as though I lost part of my identity.

This blog is an attempt to come home. A place to reconnect with my roots. But more importantly, to share with my readers the magic that is Greece, and everything that goes with it. My hope is that maybe by sharing my journey to reconnect, it might inspire someone else to do the same.

Thanks for following along.


Kalo Mina! Happy March!