Meet Lia


Welcome to With Kefi, where you can immerse yourself in all things Greece, regardless of your location!

Since Lia was 11 months old, she has been traveling back and forth between the Greece and the USA, splitting my time between the two countries.

With Kefi was started as a way to reconnect with her Hellenic roots. When Lia became a mom, she wanted to find ways to bring those roots into her child’s life as well. If you’re looking for a blog that is about the intersection of travel, hellenic culture, and family life, you’ve come to the right place!

One of the best parts of Hellenic culture is the approach to living life. Greeks are incredibly practical and laid back people, but they also have an incredible zest for life! There is a word for this: kefi. By sharing more about Hellenic culture, you too, can live a life with kefi!