200 Years of Freedom: Happy Greek Independence Day!


Good morning! Happy Greek Independence day. Today is an incredibly special day because it marks 200 years since the War of Independence from the Ottoman Turkish rule.

Greece was under Ottoman rule for 400 years, after the Ottoman Turks invaded the capital of the Byzantine empire, Constantinople, in 1453.

Unfortunately, due to COVID, celebrations will be muted around the world. However, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate, including taking part in virtual celebrations! Here are some of our favorite ways to celebrate:

  • Make and eat ‘Bakaliaros Skordalia’, which is the traditional dish on Greek Independence Day

  • Wave your Greek flat to show your pride while screaming Znto H Ellas!

  • Attend a virtual celebration — Chicago is having a virtual celebration on March 25th at 7pm CST, including a concert with Glykeria, which will be on the Chicago Greektown Facebook page!

  • See if your city is participating in the celebrations and go see the monuments! Many cities around the world are lighting up various monuments in the colors of the Greek flag.

  • Learn more about the history of Greece’s independence on Greece2021.gr

Any other ideas on how to celebrate? Please let us know!


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